
Hello there, fellow netizens! Through some sheer chance of fate you've somehow landed here. And I'm really glad you did! My name is Dakksh and I welcome you to my little corner of the Internet.

This site’s supposed to be my personal blog but there’s barely any content yet. I’m sorry for that but I plan to add more content here in the future, mostly my notes on some of the things I'm learning or experimenting with. I hope they can be of value to you. Currently, I'm interested in exploring and furthering my knowledge about Cloud Computing, Programming, DevOps & Linux so there may be some content related to that. If that's your cup of tea, do bookmark my site!

Oh, and by the way, if you come across something that catches your eye or if you simply want to have a chat about anything, I would absolutely love to connect with you! So don't hesitate to reach out.

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